The Hug

In times of isolation, quarantine and social distancing it may sound ironic to write about hugs, but I do feel compelled to do so. Hugging is one of the most powerful means of closeness, not only in humans but also in animals, and even if you are alone, you  [...]

2020-04-13T01:09:49+00:00April 13th, 2020|


What is trauma? Trauma is an event or situation caused by a deep distressing or disturbing experience. Trauma causes physical, emotional, spiritual or/and psychological harm. The person experiencing the distressing event may feel threatened, anxious, or frightened as a result. The person will need support and time to recover [...]

2020-03-02T02:56:31+00:00March 2nd, 2020|

Is Energy Work Real?

 I would like to talk about energy work on this blog. What is it? Is it really true? Why should we care about it? How can it improve my life?My background degree is medical. I studied for many years about medical sciences for my veterinary degree, then I started [...]

2020-02-06T03:08:25+00:00February 6th, 2020|

Childhood and Pediatric Bodywork

I started to work with bodywork in 2004, my work was primarily with adults and seniors. Then about four years ago, I became certified pediatric massage therapist as well, I wanted to help children and their parents. Childhood is one of the most important phases of our life, it [...]

2020-01-30T02:35:32+00:00January 30th, 2020|


More than 50% of my clients complain about strong headaches, it is an important complaint that I would like to talk about. Let’s first talk about the brain. The brain itself is insensitive, it doesn’t feel pain since there is no interceptors at the brain tissue, however in some [...]

2020-01-17T00:47:08+00:00January 17th, 2020|

Positive Wired

New Year, new life. This is the feeling we get when we finish a year and start a new one. It's also very commonly known that some of the positive resolutions we make can also fade way after few weeks or months into the year. Why it is challenging [...]

2020-01-06T00:54:27+00:00January 6th, 2020|

The Four Agreements

A few years ago I read this powerful, little book by Don Miguel Ruiz. The book was originally published in 1997 and since then, it translated into 46 different languages. It was not until three years ago that I met my first Toltec mentor and joyed the Toltec tribe. [...]

2019-12-13T01:11:47+00:00December 13th, 2019|
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